mini fet+

Also Available in a Bundle HERE!

MiniFET+ is a flexible FET compressor featuring 3 FET action modes to enhance your audio. A robust harmonics section that goes from subtle to extreme! 3 Harmonics modes, 2 switchable output transformer simulations, auto-release adapted for each action mode, compression or limiting mode, external sidechain and high-pass filter, it has you covered. Oversampling system offering up to x16 rate, and a channel mode setting to force mono operation or go into dual mono operation. Analog inspired metering and LED assistance with level matching.

Supports Windows 10/11(x64) & MacOS BigSur+ (**Now Notarized!**)


mini fet


MiniFET is the little brother to the + version. But it still has plenty to offer: The same 3 action modes, harmonics multipliers and saturation system, oversampling, a switchable transformer output stage. But it only has 1 harmonics mode (natural) and 1 transformer type (modern). It also does not include: external sidechain, variable sidechain filter, auto-release, dual mono channel mode. But it's the same flexible FET compressor in every other way!

Supports Windows 10/11(x64) & MacOS BigSur+ (**Now Notarized!**)


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